README for Symantec Café Lite ============================================================ Copyright (c) 1996 by Symantec Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ABOUT THE "README.TXT" FILE ============================================================ This file, "readme.txt," provides essential information on installing and using Symantec Café Lite. The sections that follow provide information on * What Symantec Café Lite includes * What you need * Installing Symantec Café Lite * Building and Using Java Projects * Important Points, Tips, and Workarounds * Documentation * Where to Go from Here * Differences between Java Beta 1 and Beta 2 WHAT IS SYMANTEC CAFÉ LITE ? ============================================================ Symantec Café Lite is a set of tools that allow Windows developers to edit, build, run, and debug Java applications within the Symantec Integrated Development and Debugging Environment, under Windows 95 and Windows NT. This version supports Sun's Java Release Beta 2. Symantec Café Lite includes instant creation of Java applets and Java applications using AppExpress, and features advanced editing and project management capabilities for Java development. This is a special early-release version of the product. Please read the limitations in "Important Points, Tips, and Workarounds" below, and send any comments you have, or requests for more information, to WHAT YOU NEED ============================================================ * An IBM Personal Computer or 100 percent compatible * 16MB RAM * Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51 * CD ROM Drive * 25 MB free hard disk space INSTALLING SYMANTEC CAFÉ LITE ============================================================ 1. Insert the CD-ROM in the CD-ROM Drive on your system. 2. Choose Run from the Windows start Menu to display the Run dialog. 3. type: [d]:\setup.exe where [d] is the CD-ROM drive identifier, and click on OK. 4. Follow the instructions on the screen and click on Next to proceed. 5. Select the directory in which you want to install. If you do not specify another location the installer will install Symantec Café Lite into C:\Café. 6. Click on Next. The installer will then install Symantec Café Lite on your hard drive. This will take from 2 to 8 minutes depending on the speed of your computer and CD-ROM Drive. 7. When the installation is complete, you will see a dialog box that will allow you to restart your computer. Click on OK to restart and allow the necessary changes to take effect. Note: To uninstall Symantec Café Lite, you can use the Windows 95 Add/Remove programs control panel, or under NT launch the uninstall icon in the Symantec Café Group. BUILDING AND USING JAVA PROJECTS ============================================================ We suggest that you start by using and examining one of the demo projects. The section below discusses how to start by using the ArcTest demo. Later you can use AppExpress to generate new Java applications, or generate projects manually. Using the Java Demos ------------------------------------------------------------ Launch Symantec Café Lite Under Windows 95 you can launch Symantec Café Lite from the Start | Programs menu. Open Project You'll see the Symantec Café startup screen. Open the ArcTest demo project, located in Café\java\demo\ArcTest and named arctest.prj. Choose Build You will notice a brief delay as the Java compiler is invoked and processes the source file. The compiler will produce the runtime class file ArcTest.class and some additional classes in the ArcTest directory. Choose Execute Program After a brief pause, the ArcTest applet will appear and run. Note: The first time you a run a Java application after installing, you will see a copyright notice from SUN Computer. To accept the terms and use the Java software on your computer, click on Accept. Choose Project Arguments... Applets are invoked by running appletviewer.exe on the HTML text file specified in the Project | Arguments dialog. Choose this to see that the file run by the IDDE is named example1.html. You can specify another HTML file to run instead, such as example2.html. If you are interested, you can open example1.html in the editor to see the format for invoking an applet from an HTML file. Using AppExpress ------------------------------------------------------------ In Symantec Café Lite, AppExpress offers three application types: Java Applet, Java SDI, and Java Console. These are extremely simple examples to demonstrate Java applications. This is how to create new simple Java projects using AppExpress: 1. Select the menu item Project|New. DO NOT alter or fill in the project name. Select a directory, check 'Use AppExpress' and click Finish. 2. In The AppExpress main dialog select one of the three Java application types and click Finish. (Don't change the project name on the Miscellaneous dialog.) 3. Build and execute program as usual. Please note the following limitation: In Symantec Café Lite, the AppExpress names are all preassigned, and everything has the same name: "Simple." (The file contains the class Simple, and the project file is Simple.prj.) Note: If you assign your own project name to one of these sample Java projects, it will generate and build, but Project | Execute Program won't work. If you want to name your project something else, you can, but then you must change the following occurrences of "Simple" to be exactly the same as your project name, including case-matching: for all: - (rename the file) - class Simple inside for Java SDI add: - constructor for class Simple inside for Java Applet add: - APPLET CODE="Simple.class" inside Simple.html then EITHER - Simple.html (rename the file) OR - change ".html" in Project Arguments In the case of a Java applet, what the idde executes is based on the project arguments, not the project name as in all other cases. See further discussion of applets below. Generating New Projects Manually ------------------------------------------------------------ If you have existing Java source code, you can use ProjectExpress to generate your own projects manually; just specify either Applet or Console. Console apps are Java stand-alone, i.e., "non-applet," runnable components. The Java source files (.java) contain the source code for your Java classes. At build time, the compiler produces a Java class file (.class) with the same basename as the source file. When you choose Execute Program for a Java Console app, the IDDE runs the Java interpreter on a class with the same name as your project. Java applets, in contrast to console applications, are called from Hypertext links, for example from links in internet Web pages. The links are written in an editable text file using the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). Applet projects require you to write the HTML file to invoke your applet. See the demo projects for examples. The .html file supplies the link that allows your JAVA applet to be launched and debugged within the Symantec IDDE. You specify the name of the HTML file to be run in the "Project | Arguments" menu choice in the Symantec Café Lite environment. IMPORTANT POINTS, LIMITATIONS, TIPS, AND WORKAROUNDS ============================================================ Symantec Café Lite requires you to run under either Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.51. File names and class names must be identical in spelling and CAPITALIZATION. This is a requirement of the Java compiler and interpreter. If the project is of type Applet, the Symantec Environment runs appletviewer on the .html file that is specified in the Project Arguments dialog; otherwise it runs the Java interpreter on the .class file which has the same basename as the current project. The applet class specified in the HTML file must be capitalized exactly the same as the class name in the .java file. There is currently no graphical debugger for Java. When you choose "Start/Restart Debugging" the IDDE launches the Sun command-line debugger. If you attempt to debug, you MUST have TCP/IP installed. If not, the Sun command-line debugger will hang. Symantec Café Lite projects must not have names containing spaces. The Java compiler currently will not run from a WIN95 shared drive. The symptom is the same as if CLASSPATH were not set (i.e., compiler complains that it can't find the classes). This problem is under investigation and we hope to have a fix soon. Symantec Café Lite can be run from a Netware volume. Some of the Sun Demo programs using sound are not well behaved if you are running a machine that does not have a sound card. You may have to use Cntl-Alt-Delete to terminate a misbehaving java applet if this happens. AppExpress ------------------------------------------------------------ The Java SDI sample is not fully functional. Only the menu items Help | About and File | Exit have code behind them. Compiler support ------------------------------------------------------------ The compiler does not accurately report the number of lines compiled. Certain Java compiler switches are not currently supported in the IDDE. For more information you may want to run the java compiler, javac.exe, directly from the command line. Earlier versions of Java ------------------------------------------------------------ Earlier Java releases from Sun have different class names and functionality in comparison with the current release. For more information please refer to Sun's http site at http:\\ DOCUMENTATION ============================================================ The folder Sun Doc contains the latest Java documentation available from Sun when this CD was mastered. The latest Java documentation is always available at Sun's web site. Most of the files are in HTML and can be viewed with your favorite browser, such as CyberJack or NetScape. This includes the current API and Programmer's Guide. The Java Language specification is provided as a postscript file. It can be printed on any PostScript printer or viewed with utilities such as GhostScript. WHERE TO GO FROM HERE ============================================================ There is a host of information available at http:\\ The Symantec World Wide Web site is located at For additional information about Symantec Java support, please contact For Java development, a good book to start with is Arthur van Hoff's "Hooked on Java", Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-201-48837-X. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SUN JAVA BETA1 AND BETA 2 ============================================================ Symantec Café Lite supports Sun's Java beta 2 release including the final Java 1.0 API. This API is compatible with Netscape 2.0 Beta 4 and later versions. There is now an empty finalize() method in Object. The definition of clone in Object is now as follows: protected native Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException; Thus if a class has not implemented the interface Clonable, a call to clone will fail and give the error CloneNotSupportedException. Errors previously reported as warnings are now errors, and must be handled in your code. The meaning of the 'protected' modifier has changed slightly. Contravariant return types are not supported. Overriding methods must have the same return type as the overridden method. Loading classes from zip files is now supported by both the compiler and the runtime class loader. There have been several bug fixes, security improvements and API changes since the BETA 1 release. All of these changes are described more completely at Sun's web site: http//